Other publications

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Please draw our attention to similar publications that are copyright free. References to relevant articles or chapters from books are also welcome.

Entertainment Hall [former Ballroom]- souvenir booklet 1931 pdf

History of Trentham and St Mary and All Saints from AD 680 - Rev J F Challis c1955 pdf

Trentham and its Gardens with Ten Illustrations on Wood - William Molyneux FGS 1857 pdf

Trentham Gardens guidebook 1969 pdf

Trentham Hall 1633-1833 - series of articles by John Cornforth from Country Life 1968 pdf

Trentham Hall - Chapter by Rev Prof Bonney in Historic houses of the United Kingdom - Descriptive, historical, pictorial -1891pdf

Trentham Thursday - the origins - Dr Richard Talbot MBE pdf

Selected Articles

These are references only and the articles not currently available to view.

bullet The Railways at Trentham Pt 1: Trentham Station, The Dukes of Sutherland and the Florence Colliery Railway by Allan C Baker and Mike G Fell. In Railway Archive No 49, Lightmoor Press, 2015

bullet The Railways at Trentham Pt 2:The Trentham Branch, the Trentham Gardens Miniature Railway and the LMS and BR eras at Trentham Station by Allan C Baker and Mike G Fell. In Railway Archive No 50, Lightmoor Press, 2016